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POFFLOAD is an MVS utility program which processes VSE/POWER back-up tapes created in the VSE environment. Using POFFLOAD, an OS/390 or z/OS installation can restore VSE LST entries from a POFFLOAD tape and load them into the JES spool. When running authorised via the APF, POFFLOAD restores spool entries under the same name, number, and date as when the entries were initially created in VSE. Selection criteria can be specified as SYSIN commands to limit the processing to selected entries.
POFFLOAD was initially designed for VSE sites which migrate to MVS and need to transfer printed reports via tape from the VSE/POWER spool in VSE to the JES spool in MVS.
POFFLOAD produces several reports, including a list of spool entries present on the POFFLOAD tape.
Restore two jobs from the VSE/POWER back-up tape into the JES spool.
//POFFLOAD JOB (ACCT#),'Load VSE/POWER Tape', // NOTIFY=&SYSUID, // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X //JOBLIB DD DSN=<POFFLOAD load library>,DISP=SHR //* //* Restore VSE/POWER Back-up Tape into the JES spool //* //POFFLOAD EXEC PGM=POFFLOAD,PARM=RESTORE //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //* //TAPEIN DD UNIT=TAPE,VOL=SER=612346,LABEL=(,NL) //* //SYSIN DD * *JOBNAME JOBNO yyyy-mm-dd PAYDAY23 02207 2003-04-22 AR2317B 03002 2003-06-19 /*