SHOWDASD Application for ISPFOverviewSHOWDASD is an ISPF application to display on-line DASD volumes, free space information and obtain VTOC listings. SHOWDASD is free software, available in source-code format in the freeware section of this Web site. SHOWDASD consists of a REXX exec, an Assembler program, and an ISPF panel. |
SHOWDASD must be invoked during an on-line ISPF session, for example be entering the TSO SHOWDASD command. By default, SHOWDASD displays all of the DASD volumes currently on-line. Processing can be limited to specific volumes by entering a parameter in the command:
The following commands can be entered in the Command field of the SHOWDASD panel:
The following line commands can be entered on the SHOWDASD panel to request the display of a secondary panel for the corresponding volume:
By default, the S options shows the volume's data set list.
SHOWDASD consists of four elements:
To install SHOWDASD and make it available to ISPF/PDF users, proceed as follows:
Note: The SHOWDASD application is fully compatible with the ISPF LIBDEF service.
------------------------- On-line Direct-access Volumes ---- Row 1 to 20 of 20 Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR Storage Total Largest Volser S Devn Device Group Cyls Space Free Space Free Xtnt . SYSCAT 0121 3380 Private 100 . RESCUE 0130 3380 Private 300 . DOSRES 0300 3390-2 Private 2226 . SYSWK1 0301 3390-2 Private 2226 . OS39M1 0A82 3390-3 Storage 3339 . Z2RES1 0A83 3390-3 Private 3339 . Z2RES2 0A84 3390-3 Private 3339 . Z2USS1 0A85 3390-3 Private 3339 . Z2CIC1 0A86 3390-2 Private 2226 . Z2DB21 0A87 3390-3 Private 3339 . Z2IMS1 0A89 3390-2 Private 2226 . PRIM10 0AA0 3390-3 DEFAULT 2519 2042MB 43MB 2% 26MB . PRIM11 0AA1 3390-3 DEFAULT 2519 2042MB 25MB 1% 17MB . PRIM12 0AA2 3390-3 DEFAULT 2519 2042MB 54MB 2% 34MB . PRIM13 0AA3 3390-3 DEFAULT 2519 2042MB 81MB 3% 40MB . PRIM14 0AA4 3390-3 DEFAULT 2519 2042MB 1091MB 53% 740MB . PRIM15 0AA5 3390-3 DEFAULT 2519 2042MB 0MB 0% 0MB . PRIM16 0AA6 3390-3 DEFAULT 2519 2042MB 0MB 0% 0MB . LARGE1 0AB1 3390-3 Private 2519 . LARGE2 0AB2 3390-3 Private 2519 ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************
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